PSHE & Hero Movement
Master Classes With Leading Professional Performers
Discovering The Hero Qualities That Make Us
PSHE & Hero Movement
Master Classes With Leading Professional Performers
Discovering The Hero Qualities That Make Us
Attaining PSHE Targets with Hero Movement
Hero Movement can assist the development of the 3 core PSHE themes of Health and Wellbeing; Relationships; Living in the Wider World. Through one to one / group discussion & decision making, we incorporate movement based exercises incorporating:
speaking, listening, taking turns
relating points to what has gone before
considering different view points
extending ideas in light of discussion
explaining reasons for their opinions & suggestions
Creative choreography projects help individuals develop confidence, responsibility and an ability to make the most of personal abilities whilst developing good relationships & respecting the differences between people.
Developments include:
self esteem, confidence, self respect so as to empower pupils for better independent learning
self examination, learning from experiences, recognition of strengths and positive feelings about the self
tolerance and understanding of others
kindness, good manners, tone of interaction and how to share their opinions and views
to recognise, name and deal with their feelings in a positive way
to recognise how their behaviour affects others
setting of simple goals and steps to achieve these
comfort with independence, team work, to take and share responsibility, to delegate and receive instruction and to ask for help when needed
to listen to others and build effective social relationships with other children and adults
understanding of the importance of team units
to recognise and respect differences and similarities between people & how these impact actions
understanding of the importance of equality within a group
the ability to respect a majority decision
understanding of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle
Our work also cross references other syllabus subjects, identifying the traits of the "heroic" within topics including science, maths, literature, history, geography & politics, as stylistic themes for each choreography. Through themed movement styles we look at the historical, political and geographical context of the "hero", exploring the experiences of men and women within those areas and the impact on neighbouring and future contexts. A discussion on heroes from science might lead to a dance themed by space, or looking at heroes of politics we might build a piece based on control and freedom, for example.